The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Dear Friends, As Jim and I celebrate our fiftieth wedding anniversary on Dec. 20, 2009, I am grateful that God has blessed us so many ways through my marriage to James Dieffenderfer, '58. We have one son, James Norris, another son, Paul Alan, and a daughter, Lisa Lysack, and 10 perfect grandchildren. Now as I deal with life's end stages, I look back and see how God was present and know that He will not abandon me in the future. My singing in a church choir will be continued as part of praising Him in heaven. I am assured of heaven by God's promise that if I repent of my sins and believe in the power of the historical Jesus to present me as one of His to His Father, I am guaranteed of being in heaven. If you haven't asked Jesus into your life, please do not delay. I want to see everyone in that wonderful place. Do get in touch. e-mail Carol Dieffenderfer